Winter warmers - insulation and seminar on warm homes

Posted 12 years, 9 months ago    5 comments

Feeling the cold now? Contact WEC to find out about insulation subsidies! And check out the event below...

  • All homeowners and landlords are eligible for 33% off insulation.
  • Community Services Card holders (owners, landlords OR tenants) can get 60% off insulation until the end of JUNE ONLY! Call Premiere Insulation on – 0800 467855 or come get a pamphlet from WEC.
  • And if someone in the house has a respiratory condition, you may be eligilble for more funding from WEL to insulate your house for even less.


Warm up for winter evening seminar
Wednesday June 20, 7-9pm
Bill Gallagher Events Room 2, Wintec
Entry at Gate 3 from Tristram St
Entry: FREE
Ian Mayes, Eco Design Advisor at Hamilton City Council, will cover the basics of how to make your home warm, healthy and dry this winter – looking at insulation, draught proofing, curtaining, moisture extraction, and heating.
To register, contact Waikato Green Building Network coordinator Megan Edmeades on or 021 414 529.
Megan Edmeades
grEEnme Environmental Education Services
M 021 414 529
P  07 884 6825


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11 years, 9 months ago
Get your gift voucher through WEC, and 10% of the price will be donated to WEC
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