Upcoming events and projects from KASM, Koanga Institute and more..

Posted 10 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Check out our projects..


Whaingaroa Environment Centre is participating in a nationwide innovative recycling programme to save wrappers from landfill and fundraise towards a local project.

Over 200 locations across the country, including Raglan’s Whaingaroa Environment Centre are participating in the Mondelez, Confectionery Wrapper Brigade run by TerraCycle, a global company that recycles difficult and “non-recyclable” waste.

The collected waste will then be recycled into affordable, sustainable consumer products and materials. For every confectionery wrapper returned, TerraCycle will make a donation of two cents to the school or charity organisation of the collector’s choice.

Check out TerraCycle's new initiative to recycle toothbrushes and coffee capsules. But don't forget, you can buy bamboo toothbrushes from the Herbal Dispensary and make your own coffee from Raglan Roast! These recyclers aren't the solution to the problem, but they're creating awareness in the right direction.

What's Happening this month...

May 3 - KASM Fundraiser

Raising Funds to Fight Seabed Sand Mining!

A fundraiser music/auction event is being held at the Raglan Club on Saturday 3rd May. Top musicians include Raglan local Midge Marsden and the Legendary Raglan Mudsharks;  Moana and the Tribe; Slipped Discs and Amelia Penfold. Food also available.

Doors open 6.30pm at the Raglan Club.

Tickets are selling fast and can be purchased from the Raglan Information Centre or Whaingaroa Environment Centre. Contact Hine on 825 0900 for more information  


22 May - Hamilton - Kay Baxter from Koanga Institute

“Kay Baxter and the crew from the Koanga Institute will be touring the country through May - July raising funds to save their land and save NZ's heritage seeds.  Kay, co-founder of Koanga Institute, world-renowned expert in seed-saving and permaculture gardening will be doing two inspiring talks in one session, her first talk will be ‘Seeds, Humans and the Process of Co-evolution… a regenerative way forward’  and in the second Kay will share her journey around ‘Future proofing Your Health and Designing Your own Nutrient Dense Diet’.  During July, the team ¬¬will also be carrying out travelling workshops to show people how to live in a more sustainable way.  For more information and to purchase tickets - visit www.koanga.org.nz/tour.


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