Sustainable September & Tree Pruning Workshop

Posted 12 years, 6 months ago    6 comments

I hope you all saw the Sustainable September calendar in the Chronicle this week. We have a fantastc month for you packed full of talks, workshops and films. Book your place by popping into WEC, calling us (825 0480) or emailing us  (

We have an additional event to add to the calendar (which was confirmed after the print deadline) - another Tree Pruning Workshop with David. I went to the last one, and it was great! Here's the info:

Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop,  September 2nd, next sunday, at the orchard at Karioi Lodge, 5b Whaanga Rd (just after the roundabout at Whale Bay). 10am to 1pm (or longer if people are keen!)

David is running this workshop, he is an Englishman living in NZ with 12 years experience working in commercial and private orchards.

Bring your secateurs...this is a hands on workshop! And bring your questions....any fruit tree topic is up for discussion, from planting tips, to how to do grafting, and of course how to prune, including the difference between pruning pip vs stone fruit trees, exotics and citrus.

The cost is $10, bring a snack, and some wet weather gear we will still proceed if its light rain, and good gardening shoes that you don't mind getting muddy.

Any questions, and to book, contact the Environment Centre 825 0480 or 

Finally... the Centre has had a repaint. You might have noticed that we have been closed for a couple of weeks, but it's now back to business as usual. Pop in and see the transformation. (please excuse the slight disorganisation and bare walls... we have some great displays to put up over the next few weeks).. See you soon :)


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11 years, 9 months ago
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11 years, 9 months ago
The cost is $10, bring a snack, and some wet weather gear we will still proceed if its light rain, and good gardening shoes that you don't mind getting muddy.
11 years, 9 months ago
This knowledge is very helpful to everyone, thank the author.

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