Trap deployment postponed; other weekend activities!

Posted 11 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

The Karioi Trap Deployment and Meet our Native Fish activities will be postponed to a later date (to be confirmed).


However we still have some great SUSTAINABLE SEPTEMBER activities lined up.


Join us on Sunday 22nd for our popular Wild Food Walks

Rob and Matai will be at the Wainui Reserve this weekend to show you all the edible, medicinal and useful plants lurking in our own backyards.  

Meet 10am at the Wainui Reserve Carpark


Then Monday 23rd learn how to Make Your Own Cleaning Products

You don't have to use expensive chemicals to clean your home or kill bugs in your garden.  We look at cheap, environmentally friendly alternatives.  Save your money!  Come to the workshop and find out more.  

10am - 12 noon at WEC (Town Hall, Bow Street)



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