Saturday - Timebank Potluck and seedling swap!

Posted 11 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Hey WEC members,

Have you been thinking of joining Timebank? Come to our Timebank potluck and swap this Saturday evening. Or join us for an orientation on Monday Nov 4th...

Potluck! Swap!

When: Saturday, Nov 2nd 6:30pm

Where: RSVP for address by emailing, calling 825 0480 or texting 02216355806

What to bring:

  • A plate to share (and the recipe if it's a particularly yummy plate so we can copy it down!)
  • Seedlings to swap

Timebank Orientations

If you haven't had your timebank orientation, your next chance is Monday, 4 November at 12:30pm. Meet at WEC. Tea provided =)  Send along a friend if you already have had yours!

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