Sustainable September Week 2

Posted 12 years, 6 months ago    4 comments

Sustainable September Featuring this week:

Another busy week of sustainability!

Sunday 2nd - 8:30am - 10am:

Food Forest Working Bee @ Oram Park, Raglan West.. Bring a spade if ya got one. Drop-ins welcome.

Thursday 6th - 6pm:

Timebank Raglan Orientation @ WEC. Learn how you can become a member of the Timebank and support your community by swapping time and services. Drop-ins welcome!

Tuesday 10th -  9am - 1pm

Permaculture Farm Open Day @ 4095 Main Highway, free. Bring a plate for a shared morning tea

Wednesday 11th - 7:30pm

Seed Raising Workshop @ WEC...a journey from the beginning of plant life on the planet to modern varieties: how to plant, save and understand them and how they have shaped human culture 

Friday and Saturday 14th and 15th  9am - 12pm

Pizza Oven workshop. (Postponed from last weekend) Free! Register @ WEC for location.

Saturday 15th  9am - 12pm

Pest Control Workshop with DOC and Karioi Biodiversity Restoration Project at the Town Hall (Supper room), free...Improve your bush skills and knowledge about protecting native species.
Meet Karioi volunteers and supporters, learn from Department of Conservation staff and gain hands on experience of:
•    Behavioural patterns of pest animals
•    Pest control methods
•    Personal safety at remote sites
•    Rope skills on steep slopes
•    Bush skills

Saturday 15th  10am - 5pm

Earth Building workshop @ Solscape, Contact for details

Saturday 15th  4:45pm

Environmental Film Night @ Raglan Film Festival (Old School Arts Centre) $11 adults, $6 children

River Dog and Sky Whisperers

Sunday 16th  9am - 12pm

Karioi trap deployment... Help increase Karioi’s native biodiversity - deploy a stoat trap on the mountain. Reasonable level of fitness required.

Sunday 16th 

Food Cycle Workshop @ Solscape, contact for details



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11 years, 10 months ago
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MCSA Certification
11 years, 9 months ago
Good to know that such kind of posts are there to help ignorant and novice people.
11 years, 9 months ago
This knowledge is very helpful to everyone, thank the author.

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