Check out our line up of events for this Sustainable September Weekend. We have workshops on getting your vege garden going, wild food walks, KASM sign making and an info session on running a car on vege oil
Saturday 7th September
Running a Car on Vege Oil
Saturday 7th: 10am @ WEC, Town Hall, Bow Street
Find out all about running a car on recycled vegetable oil. Local man Mark runs his converted car from Hamilton to Raglan, switching to carbon neutral vege oil from the local fish and chip shop at the divy. Come along to the Environment Centre and find out more this Saturday
Saturday 7th: 10am @ 16 Gilmour Street
Kiwis Against Seabed Mining, make a sign - stick one on your front lawn!
Check out their webpage:
Like them on facebook:
Wild Food Walk
10am @Wainui Reserve
Join Rob and Matai for a walk around Wainui Reserve and learn how to spot nutritious wild food.
Monday 9th September
Start a home vege garden
10am @ WEC (Town Hall, Bow Street)
Is that vegetable garden beckoning? Need some tips or help getting started?
Come to be inspired and get ideas on how to make a great garden and plant into good soil. Go away with plants ready to grow and… to eat
*Have an awesome weekend*