Book Launch @ WEC and Spring into Sustainable September!

Posted 13 years, 6 months ago    7 comments

Spring is coming.. and so is Sustainable September. The full schedule will be printed in this week's Chronicle so clip it out, stick it on the fridge, and see you this September! Can't wait until September to get out of the house? Come to a book launch this Friday @ WEC


Fleeing Vesuvius NZ Edition

Responding to the Effects of Economic and Environmental Collapse

12 New Zealand Contributors to this important contribution of possible solutions to this convergence of threats.

Book Launch at Whaingaroa Environment Centre

Friday 26th August 2011

5.30-7 pm

Share wine and nibbles
Meet some NZ contributors

Economic growth is over for good and Fleeing Vesuvius is the first book to explore the profound, historic implications.  Its message could hardly be more urgent..” Richard Heinberg, Senior Fellow, Post Carbon Institute, Author, Peak Everything.

Some are in denial, others are in despair, then there are those who seek to meet the future in the drivers seat those people will be reading this book

Fleeing Vesuvius confronts our multiple crises, analysing the many aspects: the financial crisis; the collapse of the housing bubble; the urgent need for food security; the enormous challenge of dealing with climate change, and the looming scarcity of essential resources such as fossil fuels – the lifeblood of the world economy.

Fleeing Vesuvius puts forward solutions that involve changes to our economy and financial system, but they go much further: this substantial, wide-ranging book also looks at the changes needed in how we think, how we use the land and how we relate to others, particularly those where we live.

While it doesn’t discount the complexity of the problems we face, Fleeing Vesuvius is practical and fundamentally optimistic. It will arm readers with the confidence and knowledge they need to develop new, workable alternatives to the old-style expanding economy and its supporting systems. It’s a book that can be read all the way through or used as a resource to dip in and out of.

Fleeing Vesuvius was originally published in late 2010 by Feasta in response to Ireland’s economic collapse.. Its 27 authors including Dmitry Orlov and Richard Douthwaite are now joined by 12 New Zealand contributors, making this book a compelling tool for all thinking New Zealanders concerned about the future.


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