SEW-vember! and A Rocha Hiking and Conservation Camp

Posted 13 years, 7 months ago    4 comments


sewing and craft month

Are you keen to save your wallet and be kind to the environment?

Do you want to make simple and cool gifts for family and friends this Christmas?

Do your children sometimes get in the way of your crafting and sewing ambitions?

SEW-vember is for you! This event will include open workshop days in the Union Church hall (3 Stewart St). Also includes:

  • Some sewing machines, tools, and materials available (although self-sufficiency is encouraged)
  • Large tables and workspace
  • Childcare sessions every Thursday 9-3
  • A full kitchen
  • Power points
  • Eco-friendly inspiration and help
  • A play area for the littlies

? ? Interested ??

If you would like to attend, have a great idea to share, materials to donate, or want to know more about childcare..  Let us know!

Vicky Beeby (organizer)

021 656823 (text)


More details to come... Including dates and times. Keep an eye on the WEC and Union Church webpages.

In the meantime, start brainstorming, foraging, and collecting for your craft and sewing projects!


Friday 2 September to Sunday 4 September. (Grade: Easy!) 

A ROCHA will be running a joint RAGLAN CAMP with keen Hamilton and Auckland Hikers.
Enjoy and experience a kaleidoscope of walks, inspirational talks, reflection, and a hands-on conservation project.
Or just come and hang out in a great location :)

WHEN?                Friday night 2 September to Sunday afternoon 4 September

WHERE?              The BIG Barn, 240 Maungatawhiri Road, Raglan.

                            Turn left off SH 23 just before you get to Raglan.

Cost: REDUCED to $45 + transport.

WHAT TO BRING: Sleeping bag, lilo or Thermarest, notebook, games, walking footwear, warm clothes, raincoat, personal toiletries, eating utensils, towel, tea-towel, cake or packet of biscuits.


Phone: 09 837 4411

Mobile: text or phone message to 027 224 1221 .
She will text back if required.

Please indicate which group you are from (ie: A ROCHA) and if you require transport from Auckland or Hamilton.

C U there!


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11 years, 9 months ago
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11 years, 8 months ago
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