Seabed mining bid rejected!

Posted 10 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Breaking news!

A powerful environmental committee has refused to give consent to an application to mine the black sands off the oceanfloor in the southern Taranaki Bight.

TransTasman Resources wanted to vacuum up iron-rich seafloor sands and extract titano-magnetite or iron ore for export, returning 90% of the sand back to the seafloor.

In its decision released today, the committee, which was appointed by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), said the major reason for the rejection "was uncertainty around the scope and significance of the potential adverse environmental effects, and those on existing interests".

The EPA says the committee "was not satisfied that the life-supporting capacity of the environment would be safeguarded or that the adverse effects of the proposal could be avoided, remedied or mitigated, given the uncertainty and inadequacy of the information presented".


Whaingaroa, the TV crews are on their way, make sure if you see them you let them know how stoked we are about this decision!

Massive heartfelt thanks to KASM and the many many many people that gave their support.


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