RMA meeting in Raglan - Thursday

Posted 11 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Forwarded message from Eugenie Sage, Green Party MP


"Kia ora

I'd like to invite you to a public meeting in Raglan on Thursday 3rd October.

When: Thursday 3rd October, 7.30 – 9.30pm
Where: Raglan Bowling Club, 19 James Street, Raglan (Click for map)

The Government's proposed changes to the Resource Management Act undermine local democracy and sustainability. Please join us for a panel discussion on changes to the RMA and what they mean for local democracy in your community and New Zealand's environment. The panel will consist of:

Eugenie Sage, Green Party MP
Angeline Greensill, Tainui Hapu; University of Waikato
Malibu Hamilton, Whaingaroa
Environmental Defence

All are welcome! Please share through your networks. If you are too far away from Raglan to attend, please forward this invitation to friends or family you might have in the area.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Eugenie Sage
Green Party MP"

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