Forwarded message from Forest and Bird:
"Forest & Bird is calling for an additional management option to be put forward in the Threat Management Plan:
It is important we mention the 100m depth contour as these dolphin prefer these waters (depth is a key factor), also they are found in harbours so they need to be mentioned.
I am asking each branch to write a personal submission - some branches might only write a few lines, but each personal submission this government receives is important.
Submissions close on the 12th of November, so there is still time to be a voice for nature!
What you can do to help Maui's:
1. Write a personal (or branch) submission on the threat management plan review
2. Visit your local MP and raise this issue
3. Spread the message in your local community that submissions are needed
4. If you only have a few minutes then send an electronic submission that we have already prepared to the Ministers, you can do this at:
5. Continue to only buy sustainable seafood by using Forest & Bird's Best Fish Guide
Here is more detail for those that are interested in writing a submission:
Firstly all the information, like where to send the submission and where to download the Threat Management Plan document and other supporting information can be found at:
It is important that you send the submission you write to DOC ( and MPI ( but ALSO to the decision makers - Minister of Conservation, Minister for Primary Industries and the Prime Minister Don't be afraid to send your submission to all 5.
If you don't want to email a submission you can physically post one to:
Maui's Dolphin Threat Management Plan
TMP Submissions
P.O Box 5853
Wellington 6011
Here are some key points you might like to make in your submission:
- What do Maui's dolphins mean to you personally.....
- Raise the fact that you are very concerned about the lack of adequate protection being proposed in the Threat Management Plan review for our critically endangered Maui’s dolphins. Specifically the threat management options put forward do not go far enough to protect these incredible vulnerable dolphins.
- Raise the issue that there is a real disconnect between the risk assessment report on Maui’s dolphins (this is a science report which DOC and MPI wrote after holding an expert scientific workshop of which I attended for F&B) and the proposed management options. Forest & Bird does not believe the best available science has been used by managers.
- Maui’s dolphins and the south island sub-species Hector’s dolphins are the smallest and rarest in the world. Both dolphins have declined significantly primarily because of fishing related mortalities, specifically gill nets and trawling.
- The latest population study estimates there are only 55 Maui’s dolphins over the age of one left in our waters.
- The Threat Management Plan concludes that fishing related threats are still the number one threat to the survival of both Maui’s and Hector’s dolphins. The expert science panel estimated that fishing alone is killing five Maui’s dolphins each year, but Maui’s can only cope with one death, from human activities every 10 – 23 years. This is unsustainable and the management options put forward in the TMP review do not go far enough to ensure long term survival.
- The government has a vision statement that “ Hector’s and Maui’s dolphins should be managed for their long-term viability and recovery throughout their natural range”. The only way to achieve this goal is to ensure that these dolphins are fully protected from all threats, fishing and non-fishing related everywhere they are found.
- Let the government know that YOU want to ensure the survival of Maui’s and Hector’s dolphins and that YOU support the international recommendations made by the International Whaling Commission (IWC) Scientific Committee and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) World Conservation Congress.
- As fishing is the number one threat I believe an additional management option for Maui’s should be put forward and selected by Ministers:
- Put forward the additional management option which is the only option which will ensure the survival of these dolphins: Expand the areas of protection from gill netting and trawling to cover the entire range of the Maui’s and Hector’s dolphins, offshore to the 100 m depth contour and including all harbours along the West Coast of the North Island.
- Include the map below if you want to highlight all the areas which need protection - you can copy this from this email or you can download it at
- Let the government know that if immediate action is not taken Maui’s dolphins are highly likely to become extinct in our lifetime. The time to act is now, the world is watching the New Zealand Government.
