Maui's Dolphin Day - paddle pool, marquee and volunteers needed!

Posted 12 years ago    3 comments

Maui's Dolphin Day is back on Saturday March 2nd. Aw yep!

More info below about what's happening on the day...

WEC members, can you help out? We need...

- One or two paddle pools for our "Xtremely Small Raft Race"

- A marquee with walls or just the walls for a 3 x 3 or 3 x 6 pop-up marquee

- Volunteers! To help in the WEC tent, film tent, and with set-up and take-down


Press release:

Maui’s Dolphin Day is back on March 2nd to celebrate our local toanga, Popoto or Maui’s Dolphin. Working together to celebrate and protect our unique environment, Whaingaroa Environment Centre (WEC) and Xtreme Waste have teamed up again this year to bring you this event featuring the Recycled Raft Race

Also, new this year, a Recycled Fashion Show! This will be a “Project Runway” style fashion show, with contestants creating their pieces from recycled materials given to them on the day! Guest judge, Tarja Pabbruwe, who has been a Section and Overall Winner at WOW Wearable Arts will be performing in her Water Spirit stilkwalker costume, which is sure to inspire our contestants!

The event will also include performances from local musicians and schools including Little Lapin, Reiki Ruawia and Twisted Timber. Fundraisers from local groups will offer sausage sizzles, treats and more. Environmental awareness activities and stalls will give everyone a chance to learn more about their local environment. There will be loads of things to do and lots of prizes and fun!

The event will be followed at 5pm by an aerial photo on the beach of a ‘human dolphin.’ Droidworx is providing a flying camera for the photo.

Contact WEC to participate or volunteer. Raft race and Fashion Show registrations now available! 07 825 0480 or drop in to see us at the Town Hall.




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