Make your own produce bag workshop cancelled

Posted 11 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Plastic - that's not my bag baby!

Tonights Stitch Ministry "Make your own produce bag" workshop has been cancelled.  Fear not, Stitch Ministry get togetether on the last Thrusday of every month so there will be another opportunity to create some plastic free produce bags on the 24th October at the Union Church Hall.


Don't forget...... Tree planting tomorrow! 10am @ Raglan Area School

ECO FEST!! Saturday 28th 1pm-4pm @ Town Hall

SUSTAINABLE SEPTEMBER:  ECO FEST!! Saturday 28th 1pm-4pm @ Town Hall
Come one, come all!! 
Give some love back to Whaingaroa Harbour and join Sustainable Coastlines for some tree planting on the Peninsula in front of Raglan Area School.  Meet at 10am in the school carpark this Friday and Saturday. There'll be a free BBQ lunch too!  Click on the link for full details and to register (vegetarian BBQ options available)
Then Saturday arvo come to the Town Hall for ECO-FEST, a Sustainable September open day with special guests, interactive activities and a free screening of Disney's Oceans.  Check the trailer here
And at 4pm come all grown-ups can head to the Yot Club for cheap drinks!

Come one, come all!! 

Give some love back to Whaingaroa Harbour and join Sustainable Coastlines for some tree planting on the Peninsula in front of Raglan Area School.  Meet at 10am in the school carpark this Friday and Saturday. There'll be a free BBQ lunch too!  Click on the link for full details and to register (vegetarian BBQ options available)

Then Saturday arvo come to the Town Hall for ECO-FEST, a Sustainable September open day with special guests, interactive activities and a free screening of Disney's Oceans.  Check the trailer here

And at 4pm all grown-ups can head to the Yot Club for cheap drinks!

See you there!





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