Come into WEC to have your photo taken with our life-sized Maui's Dolphin!
To kick off our Maui's Dolphin Day visual petition, and to celebrate Seaweek 2012, we are pleased to announce "Let's Face It."
"Let's Face It' is a visual petition campaign led by artist and marine enthusiast Peggy Oki. The aim is to create a banner of our photos to present to NZ policy makers.
What is a visual petition? Check out Surfers for Cetaceans’ visual petition,
Please see the "Let's Face It" statement below. Feel free to download the file, add your name or changes, and send personal letters to the addresses listed.
Our hours this week are 10am – 3pm, Mon - Fri, so please come in to add your face to the petition. Or come to Maui’s Dolphin Day on March 10th, and we’ll snap your pic at WEC’s marquee.
Thanks to DOC for loaning us your Maui's...
“Let’s Face It”
A statement will be sent to the following Crown Ministers alongside the Visual Petition, with these key points
For letters to the following:
• David Carter, Primary Productions Minister
• Kate Wilkinson, Minister of Conservation
• center all Maui’s and Hector’s Dolphin management decisions and policies on the best available independent scientific information;
• develop objective, science-based, measurable and testable management targets for the recovery of Hector’s and Maui’s dolphin;
• develop a science-based Recovery Plan with the input of all stakeholders;
• fast-track full protection measures for Hector’s & Maui's dolphins against fisheries by-catch off Kaikoura, Timaru and Taranaki to avoid further avoidable deaths;
• eliminate the use of commercial and recreational set nets and trawling across the species’ range along a 100m depth contour without exception;
• implement a comprehensive, scientifically sound fisheries observer programme that includes all four Hector’s dolphin populations to inform management of fishing impacts on Hector’s and Maui’s dolphins by identifying and quantifying interactions and to assess the effectiveness of mitigation measures;
• change the reporting of unresolved Hector’s and Maui’s dolphin deaths from ‘natural death’ in the Department of Conservation’s Incidence Database.
For anyone wishing to write directly:
Hon David Carter, Primary Productions Minister
Parliament Office
Private Bag 18888
Parliament Buildings
Wellington 6160
Hon Kate Wilkinson, Minister of Conservation
Private Bag 18041
Parliament Buildings
Wellington 6160