Posted 11 years, 5 months ago    0 comments


Kia ora tatou!

It has been awesome seeing everyone get involved in our Sustainable September workshops.  We're finishing off the month with an ECO-FEST celebration, inlcuding a free screening of Disney's Oceans (check out the trailer here

Check out what's on this weekend

Saturday 28th 

Massive Day with Sustainable Coastlines.  Check out the full details here

10am Planting @ Raglan Area School:  bring some gumboots and a shovel and  wheelbarrow if you have one (we've got spades) and give some love back to Whaingaroa Harbour

There will be a free BBQ after

1-4pm ECO-FEST @ Town Hall:  come down for an afternoon of environmental fun.  There will be interactive activities, guest speakers aaaaand a free screening of Disney's Oceans at 2PM

As a special treat after 4pm grown ups helpers are invited to the Yot Club for cheap drinks.


Sunday 29th

Wild Food Walk

10am @ 4095 State Highway 23 (between Maungatwhiri Road and Okete Road, driveway is on the right hand side of the road heading out of town, across from the yellow '85' sign)

The last of our popular Wild Food Walks will be at Rob and Matai's home.  Wild Food Salad will be served around the fire :)


Monday 30th 

Turning Trash into Treasure Miss Popinjays Upcycling workshop for kids

10am - 2pm @ Town Hall

"embracing childrens creativity using not your usual materials to construct crafty pieces of artowrk to take home , I will be showing kids how to remake and reuse while learning skills to shape their creativity"

Children are asked to bring a packed lunch, all materials will be provided

Planting at Raglan Area School today

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