It's not cold yet... but soon? Insulation subsidies available now.

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago    8 comments

Healthy Homes project –subsidy for home insulation for community services card holders in WEL Energy area

Since 2004 the WEL Energy Trust has been funding this project which tops up the subsidies available from EECA so that homeowners with community services cards only pay $100 plus GST for underfloor and ceiling insulation.  In the case of a tenanted property, the landlord is required to contribute $500 plus GST.   We still have some funding left for the 2012-13 year, so if you  met the criteria below get in now and you could have your home done prior to winter!    

How to Apply:

Anyone answering "yes" to all of the following 5 questions can apply:

  • Does someone in your household have a Community Services Card?
  • Does someone in your household suffer from a medical issue which can be confirmed by a GP – e.g. asthma or respiratory problems – and which could possibly be helped by getting rid of draughts, mould, mildew and cold temperatures?
  • Do you own your home OR has your landlord been made aware of the cost and agreed that you can apply to the programme?
  • Was your house built prior to 2000?
  • Is your house in the WEL Energy Trust area? See map here.

To apply, contact WEL Networks who manage the project on behalf of the Trust – Phone 850 3100



Andy Gowland-Douglas|General Manager

Ph 07 838 0093 |Mobile 027 230 4888 | Email

Address 1st Floor, Norris Ward McKinnon House Cnr London & Victoria Streets

PO Box 1336 Hamilton 3240 | Web





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