Have your say... DOC in Whaingaroa

Posted 12 years, 1 month ago    10 comments

The Draft Conservation Management Strategy (CMS) for the Waikato Conservancy is out for consulation until 4.30pm on Friday 15th March 2013. You can view and download the strategy online www.doc.govt.nz/cms

“The Department of Conservation is keen to hear from you about your special places. We want to hear what you want to ensure the conservation values in those special places are enhanced, or at least, maintained.

So every ten years, DOC turns to the public to find out what communities believe should be the priorities for conservation....
What do you want them to be like in ten years? What about access? Can we use vehicles? Can we take animals there?”

Whaingaroa Environment Centre (WEC ) wants the Department of Conservation (DOC)  to commit to ongoing work with our community.  In particular WEC wants to see an ongoing commitment to the restoration of biodiversity values of Mt Karioi.  Community initiatives such as Karioi Biodiversity Project must be supported and complimented by DOC.

WEC encourages you to submit feedback to DOC: this could include what your vision for the mountain, what DOC’s role is in our catchment and your personal stories of the mountain and Bridal Veil Falls. DOC has just been through a major restructure, the funding for conservation is less and DOC’s priorities for ongoing conservation work are changing. We need to tell Doc why the mountain is so special and that it is important for them to keep funding restoration work..

A hard copy of the CMS is available for reading at WEC. Section 2.6 – Karioi to Whareorino Place deals with our catchment, including Mt Karioi, Te Toto Gorge and Bridal Veil Falls.

If you have any questions drop into WEC or contact Rachel Kelleher 07 8581000 waikatocms@doc.govt.nz


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