Gardening and Neighbours

Posted 10 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Hi-dee-ho Neighbourinos!! This Weekend 29-30th March is Neighbours Day

What better way to get to know your neighbours and your community than lend a hand at our upcoming working bee.  The Raglan Police Community Gardens would love a bit of attention.  Come down and meet Wayne, local expert gardener and coordinator of the Police garden.  Learn some new skills, meet some new people, lend a hand and walk away with some fresh veges.  See our poster below for details

Neighbours Day Aotearoa is a national campaign that aims to get all kiwis to go one step further in getting to know their neighbours on one day (weekend) of the year. Driven by the simple belief that great neighbours make great neighbourhoods, the NDA campaign is about turning streets into neighbourhoods, strangers into friends and turning every street in New Zealand into a fun, friendly, safe and resilient place to live. It all starts with kiwis connecting with the people that live behind, beside, in front of and across the road from them.  

There are lots of ideas on for what YOU might do to celebrate neighbours day this year. Here are just a few of them:
  • Sharing food - take your neighbor a cake or some produce from your garden. 
  • Get together for a street BBQ, games, or a street clean up 
  • Start a street book club
  • Organise a DIY party: make natural cleaners,chutneys, homemade facials or learn to bake something new together

You can also join in the national campaign by registering your event on the website. 

Tell us about it - we'd love to hear about some Raglan Neighbour Day activities!



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