Donate a Fruit Tree raffle ticket to WEC!

Posted 11 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

WEC needs fruit trees. You can help! Donate a raffle ticket to WEC, and support fruit trees in Raglan as well as a local surfer!

Belinda Goodwin's fruit tree raffle seeks to raise funds towards travel expenses to represent NZ and compete at the ISA World Longboard Championships.

Raffle tickets are available at Trade Aid and Raglan Surf Emporium to be drawn this Saturday, August 31st.

WEC needs trees for our Backyard Bounty Project, the long term aim of which is to provide the Raglan community with a sustainable backyard supply of fresh, organic and healthy food- all for free. WEC currently is sourcing fruit tree donations to be planted in public areas and are in the process of confirming Snowden Place and the Rugby Grounds as potential sites.These trees along with the Food Forests will provide locals with a lasting source of fruit and vegetables so that no one has to go without!

So buy a raffle ticket for WEC, just $5, or buy one for yourself. We can take whatever trees you don't want.

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