Free Seedlings, Sheep and Karioi Kids

Posted 11 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Kia ora tatou!

In this update: Free Seedlings, Sheep search and Karioi Kids 

Some kind person has donated some tiny seedlings, pick some up from the Environment Centre and give them a new home.  I'm unsure of exactly what kind of seedlings... guessing lettuce. Free seedlings to the first person to identify them!

Annette is looking for a community sheep!  She is hoping someone out there has a  hungry sheep (or similar) for her lawns that she could take care of for a wee while. Earn a TimeBank credit ( Contact us at the Environment Centre and we'll put you in touch with her.

And the weather is warming, time to get a dose of vitamin nature!  If you have kids or know kids they might be interested in joining our new Karioi Kids programme. The project is part of the Karioi ki te Moana project run by A Rocha New Zealand (a community conservation organisation) and suported by the Environment Centre.  It's FREE to join, details are on the flyer attached to this email and check out the article in this week's Chronicle.

Starts Wednesday 23rd October, 3:30 - 5:30pm. 

Meet at Whaingaroa Environment Centre (Town Hall)


Have an excellent weekend!!!

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