Free events, Working bees, training and workshops!

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What’s coming up @ the Environment Centre

We've got a lot coming up in the next couple weeks. Here's a calendar so you can come along!

Timebank Winter Kai Workshop - May 26th @ 6pm
Indoor gardening! Well...kind of...! Come along to our Timebank Fermenting, Sprouting and Microgreens Workshop. Learn from our knowledgeable locals, taste and try out fermented veges and take home some samples and microgreen trays to continue producing at home. 

Register by phone 825 0480, or email 
$2.00 Koha for materials plus 2 Timebank credits, 26th May 6-8pm, location on registration


Training Workshops with Sustainable Coastlines - May 27th – 29th

Sustainable Coastlines are doing a Training Workshops tour, and offering free workshops in Whaingaroa for community groups and volunteers. Next week, we’ll be hosting three workshops on Event Management, Public Speaking and Working with Community Probation Services. If you’re interested in any of these workshops, please get in touch with Whaingaroa Environment Centre.


May 27th 1pm - Event Management @ Town Hall, Supper Room

May 28th 3pm - Presenter Training @ Community House

May 29th 3pm - Working with Community Probation Services @ Whaingaroa Environment Centre


Matt and Andy – Earth’s Customer service team - May 28th

Matt and Andy are coming to Raglan to deliver free performances to our schools and community, including free giveaways. Performances are 15-minutes each and are assured to be entertaining and hilarious!

@ Xtreme Zero Waste 10:30am Wednesday May 28th

and Raglan Town Hall stairs 12:00 Noon Wednesday May 28th


Timebank Presentation @ Waitetuna school

Hey Waitetuna residents!

We are hoping to get a local membership to Timebank, so that we can call on each other when small tasks are needed or when you need help getting a job done.

As a member of Timebank, you’ll find lots of opportunities throughout Whaingaroa. Yoga, gardening, workshops and more..

In Waitetuna, we’ll be able to support each other locally through Timebank.

If you’re interested, get in touch with Ruth Jowers 07 825 5274

 Or come to our info night!

@ Waitetuna School May 28th 2014 @ 7:30pm


Love Your Water Tree Planting May 30th - 31st

At the end of the month our friends Sustainable Coastlines have organised a 2-day tree planting. So come along and warm up with some digging! Saturday morning they'll also be at Xtreme Waste's Name Change party. Head there for 10.30 for upcycling, mural making, morning tea fun and then go plant some trees!  

Friday 30th May, 9-3pm @Raglan Area School
Saturday 31st May, 1-3pm @Rugby Grounds for Kaitoke Peninsula and Xtreme Zero Waste May 31st 10:30am – 12:30pm


Curtain Bank Working Bee
Now's the time to sign up for the curtain bank if your feeling chilly at home. Good quality, well-fitting curtains can noticeably reduce heat loss- and we run a project that will find, measure and fit your curtains for free! Sign up at WEC.  

If you'd like to be involved in this project, we're also looking for volunteers to come along and help measure and sort curtains at our June working bee. They'll be free cake! And tea! Come meet our friendly team and other lovely locals. If you're a timebank member you'll also earn a credit. 

@ Raglan Town Hall, Bow Street, June 3rd, 12.00


EM and bokashi workshop – Tuesday June 3rd @ 7pm

EM stands for Effective Microorganisms and they are indeed effective at so many things! You can use EM in composting, household odour control, septic tanks, and more… Come along to learn about all the uses of EM and ask questions with Mike Daly of EMNZ and visiting expert Dr Ravi Sangakkarra

@ meet the Environment Centre, Raglan Town Hall, Bow Street, Tuesday June 3rd @ 7pm. Please register 825 0480 or



Arbor Day Fruit tree planting – Wednesday June 4th @ 1pm

Come plant fruit trees with Whaingaroa Environment Centre! Thanks to generous donations from Lions Club and Raglan Backpackers, we have some fruit trees to put into public places in Raglan. But we need your help! Come along and get these trees in with us! The long-term vision is to have fruit along public walkways and parks so everyone in Raglan can enjoy fresh, local produce.

@ meet Raglan Town Hall, Bow Street, June 4th 1pm

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