Curtain Bank working bee and Meet your Native Fish!

Posted 11 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Events this week at WEC

Curtain Bank Working bee, Wednesday Oct 30th

10am - 1pm @ Town Hall

Thanks to the ongoing and generous donations of our community we have another pile of curtains to measure and sort, ready to ship out to new homes. The curtain bank will keep chugging along over the summer, getting Raglan's cold homes ready in time for next winter. Many hands make light work so please join us! There'll be some shared kai and a cup of tea after. Bring a plate to share!

Meet your Native Fish, Saturday Nov 2nd

10am Meet @ Friend of Wainui Bush Park

Ever wondered what lives in Raglans freshwater streams? Come and meet some of Raglan’s charismatic native freshwater fish and other cool stream critters down at the Wainui stream reserve. Waikato Regional Council freshwater ecologists (who live locally) will do a show and tell and talk through the unique life-history characteristics of these amazing organisms. Fish will be removed from the stream using a special electric fishing machine (EFM) which is the most commonly used freshwater sampling tool used by fish biologists around the world. A low level electric current temporarily immobilises the fish enabling them to be captured but not hurt. Fish and other organisms will be temporarily removed from the stream and placed in buckets and on white sampling trays so that children and adults can see them up close before we return them back to their home.

All welcome – As a precautionary and procedural measure we will run through a health and safety briefing to ensure people stay well clear of the water while we collect organisms for discussion. Please ensure children (and misbehaving adults) are closely supervised while electric fishing is being conducted

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