Coming up this week...

Posted 10 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

This week we need you! We have two great opportunities to help your community through Curtain Bank and Fruit Tree Planting. Plus, we have a FREE EM workshop for you to help your gardens and home thrive! Later this month, we've got another great Timebank potluck. Read on for details...


Curtain Bank Working Bee - Tuesday June 3rd @ noon

If you'd like to be involved in this project, we're looking for volunteers to come along and help measure and sort curtains at our June working bee. They'll be free cake! And tea! Come meet our friendly team and other lovely locals. If you're a timebank member you'll also earn a credit. 

@ Raglan Town Hall, Bow Street, June 3rd, 12.00 noon

Arbor Day Fruit tree planting – Wednesday June 4th @ 1pm

Come plant fruit trees with Whaingaroa Environment Centre! Thanks to generous donations from Lions Club and Raglan Backpackers, we have some fruit trees to put into public places in Raglan. But we need your help! Come along and get these trees in with us! The long-term vision is to have fruit along public walkways and parks so everyone in Raglan can enjoy fresh, local produce.

@ meet Raglan Town Hall, Bow Street, June 4th 1pm

EM and bokashi workshop – Tuesday June 3rd @ 7pm

EM stands for Effective Microorganisms and they are indeed effective at so many things! You can use EM in composting, household odour control, septic tanks, and more… Come along to learn about all the uses of EM and ask questions with Mike Daly of EMNZ and visiting expert Dr Ravi Sangakkarra

Dr. Ravi Sangakkara completed his PhD in NZ in the 1980’s at Massey University; he now holds a chair in Crop Science at the University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka. Ravi specializes in crop agronomy and food production systems and has extensive international publications in this area. In addition to his very busy teaching and research programme in agronomy, Ravi has developed a broad technical expertise in EM® technology, including many research projects evaluating EM®, Bokashi and Nature Farming techniques around the world.

Mike Daly studied agricultural science at Lincoln University in the mid 70’s and then began a 20 year career in agricultural research working for MAF, AgResearch and HortResearch, specialising in sustainable farming methods and in particular organic farming techniques. While attending an international conference on organic farming in Brazil in 1992, he heard a presentation on EM® and was invited to research this technology in NZ. After three years of research he considered the technology had great promise and set up a Trust (NZNFS) to develop EM® and Bokashi in NZ. He has since founded Naturefarm, a company dedicated to the development and sale of EM and microbial technology in NZ.


@ meet the Environment Centre, Raglan Town Hall, Bow Street, Tuesday June 3rd @ 7pm. Please register 825 0480 or

em bokashi


Timebank Potluck- June 15th

Timebank potluck are a great chance to meet your neighbours and get chatting about how we can help each other, share skills, and support our community!

Come between 5-5.30pm if you would like to see the sunset into the sea at Suz's house.  :)

Join Timebank or get in touch for address.


Timebank in Waitetuna

Timebank in Waitentuna! Raglan Timebank coordinator Bexie recently gave a presentation to local residents who's ears perked up when they heard about Timebanking through a local maildrop. If you live in Waitetuna, you TOO can join Timebank and get a local group going to help your neighbours and get the support that you need! Get in touch with WEC.





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