Workshop on Climate Change and Urban Adaptation December 9-11th 2013 in Raglan New Zealand

Posted 11 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Info provided by Eventfinda:

Supported by the Asia Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN), Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study (MAIRS), and International Global Change Institute (IGCI), this workshop will provide a venue for scientists and practitioners to discuss the emerging issues related to climate change and urban adaptation where scientific, technical and practical issues are equally important.

This workshop will comprise of a two day open workshop with presentations and panel discussions, and a one day close up project workshop for the APN funded project: "Development of an Integrated Climate Change Impact Assessment Tool for Urban Policy-Makers".

Emerging climate change science and methodological issues as they relate to adaptation practices:
- Climate change risk assessment methodologies and tools
- Application of tools in adaptation practice
- Climate change information and communication for adaptation
- Climate change adaption practice in different sectors
- Urban planning and decision making and climate change

Planned agenda (3 days)

Day one and two: Presentations from participants and panel discussions on the themes mentioned above.

Day three: an intensive workshop for APN project planning and progress reporting.


More info on:


Banners on the beach TOMORROW

Posted 11 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Join us tomorrow SATURDAY 23 NOVEMBER




A stand-off continues at sea tonight as protesters attempt to block an American oil giant drilling for oil off the New Zealand coast.

A Greenpeace boat, the SV Vega, is refusing to move from the drill site, situated 204 kilometres off the coast of Raglan.

Check out the video here:

Free Insulation

Posted 11 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Warm up New Zealand: Healthy Homes

Warm Up New Zealand: Healthy Homes is a government programme offering free insulation.

Many homes are unhealthy because they don't have enough insultation.  A warm, dry home with well installed insulation is healthier and easier to heat.

The government and other organisations are funding free under floor and ceiling insulation for homes that qualify for the programme.

If you have a community services card you may qualify.  See the attached flyer and please pass on the message to anyone you know who may qulaify and benefit from the service.

Landlords with eligible tenants may also qualify for free insulation.


See the attched flyer and phone Bill Hewitt (EECA) 0800 358 676



Events this week! David Engwicht TUES... KASM on Saturday

Posted 11 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Tuesday Nov 12th (tomorrow) at the Town Hall 10am

Community Spaces guru David Engwicht visits Raglan. The focus will be on revitalising the central area and Community Board members and the general public will be encouraged to attend.

Saturday Nov 16th at Manu Bay 11am - 1pm

KASM Stand up for our coast.
No Seabed Mining
No Deep Sea Oil
Support the 'Oil Free Seas' Flotilla who will be Converging off the coast of Raglan.
All welcome!

Saturday - Timebank Potluck and seedling swap!

Posted 11 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Hey WEC members,

Have you been thinking of joining Timebank? Come to our Timebank potluck and swap this Saturday evening. Or join us for an orientation on Monday Nov 4th...

Potluck! Swap!

When: Saturday, Nov 2nd 6:30pm

Where: RSVP for address by emailing, calling 825 0480 or texting 02216355806

What to bring:

  • A plate to share (and the recipe if it's a particularly yummy plate so we can copy it down!)
  • Seedlings to swap

Timebank Orientations

If you haven't had your timebank orientation, your next chance is Monday, 4 November at 12:30pm. Meet at WEC. Tea provided =)  Send along a friend if you already have had yours!

Curtain Bank working bee and Meet your Native Fish!

Posted 11 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Events this week at WEC

Curtain Bank Working bee, Wednesday Oct 30th

10am - 1pm @ Town Hall

Thanks to the ongoing and generous donations of our community we have another pile of curtains to measure and sort, ready to ship out to new homes. The curtain bank will keep chugging along over the summer, getting Raglan's cold homes ready in time for next winter. Many hands make light work so please join us! There'll be some shared kai and a cup of tea after. Bring a plate to share!

Meet your Native Fish, Saturday Nov 2nd

10am Meet @ Friend of Wainui Bush Park

Ever wondered what lives in Raglans freshwater streams? Come and meet some of Raglan’s charismatic native freshwater fish and other cool stream critters down at the Wainui stream reserve. Waikato Regional Council freshwater ecologists (who live locally) will do a show and tell and talk through the unique life-history characteristics of these amazing organisms. Fish will be removed from the stream using a special electric fishing machine (EFM) which is the most commonly used freshwater sampling tool used by fish biologists around the world. A low level electric current temporarily immobilises the fish enabling them to be captured but not hurt. Fish and other organisms will be temporarily removed from the stream and placed in buckets and on white sampling trays so that children and adults can see them up close before we return them back to their home.

All welcome – As a precautionary and procedural measure we will run through a health and safety briefing to ensure people stay well clear of the water while we collect organisms for discussion. Please ensure children (and misbehaving adults) are closely supervised while electric fishing is being conducted

Free Seedlings, Sheep and Karioi Kids

Posted 11 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Kia ora tatou!

In this update: Free Seedlings, Sheep search and Karioi Kids 

Some kind person has donated some tiny seedlings, pick some up from the Environment Centre and give them a new home.  I'm unsure of exactly what kind of seedlings... guessing lettuce. Free seedlings to the first person to identify them!

Annette is looking for a community sheep!  She is hoping someone out there has a  hungry sheep (or similar) for her lawns that she could take care of for a wee while. Earn a TimeBank credit ( Contact us at the Environment Centre and we'll put you in touch with her.

And the weather is warming, time to get a dose of vitamin nature!  If you have kids or know kids they might be interested in joining our new Karioi Kids programme. The project is part of the Karioi ki te Moana project run by A Rocha New Zealand (a community conservation organisation) and suported by the Environment Centre.  It's FREE to join, details are on the flyer attached to this email and check out the article in this week's Chronicle.

Starts Wednesday 23rd October, 3:30 - 5:30pm. 

Meet at Whaingaroa Environment Centre (Town Hall)


Have an excellent weekend!!!

Meet your Native Fish - Rescheduled!

Posted 11 years, 2 months ago    0 comments



Where: Meet @ Friend of Wainui Bush Park

When: Nov 2nd 10am
Ever wondered what lives in Raglans freshwater streams? Come and meet some of Raglan’s charismatic native freshwater fish and other cool stream critters down at the Wainui stream reserve. Waikato Regional Council freshwater ecologists (who live locally) will do a show and tell and talk through the unique life-history characteristics of these amazing organisms. Fish will be removed from the stream using a special electric fishing machine (EFM) which is the most commonly used freshwater sampling tool used by fish biologists around the world. A low level electric current temporarily immobilises the fish enabling them to be captured but not hurt. Fish and other organisms will be temporarily removed from the stream and placed in buckets and on white sampling trays so that children and adults can see them up close before we return them back to their home.

All welcome – As a precautionary and procedural measure we will run through a health and safety briefing to ensure people stay well clear of the water while we collect organisms for discussion. Please ensure children (and misbehaving adults) are closely supervised while electric fishing is being conducted
